The devastating floods are to blame 'Thais, NOT POLICE OF IMMIGRANTS
The failure of a formal response to the huge number of migrant workers who flock to in the Thai border offering such cheap labor, Thai and Burmese officials and officers have allowed the trafficking and smuggling in the hands of organized crime and unscrupulous middlemen
The corpse, dressed in a black suit with a tie, emerge from the cold store. I and my colleague as we were shocked morgue questions about Awa, a young immigrant tribe 'of the Shan people killed by an elephant while he was in a park give food safari in Chiang Mai.
Relatives Awa not have come forward to identify and claim the body for fear of being arrested because 'they are not registered and therefore illegal. The assistant told us that this' does not allow the issuance of the certificate of death from 'the start of legal proceedings and therefore the body will not be' washed and cleaned after a religious ceremony but cremated and the ashes thrown away. After all, Awa was just another illegal Burmese.
and Awa 'died in 2006 and, as often happens to immigrants in Thailand, and' died in a tragic silence. These deaths relate to the more 'unfortunate of the nearly 2 million and more 'present immigrant workers in Thailand and will continue' to be so 'unless things change radically in the management of unsatisfactory by the Government.
After so many years, now really understand the significance of the contrast between two bodies that I saw that day that is the way most immigrants end up in step 'lower than any other human being in the Thai social pyramid.
For over 20 years, the Thai economy has used cheap labor from neighboring Cambodia, Laos and Burma to support the rapid economic growth. The sweat of immigrants (and often their blood) have contributed the construction of skyscrapers and entire neighborhoods.
inhaling harmful substances and the skin more and more 'dark, immigrants contribute to intensive farming projects that dirty campaigns. Cleaning homes and looking after the old and the sick, immigrant women are a social service invaluable for Thai families whose women are so 'free to pursue their well-paid profession while immigrant abused and abuse, confined within the four walls which often can not get out.
The contribution of immigrants and the Thai economy 'has recently been quantified beyond any doubt by World Bank economists.
Thai legislators more 'prominent people often insisted in the last 20 years that these workers "illegal" immigrants constituted a temporary force. The program of "regularization", approved annually by the Government, gave the means to adjust their status from illegal to legal where they could work for one year following a decision of deportation at any time.
There 's failure of a formal response to the huge number of migrant workers who flock to the Thai border offering such cheap labor and where Thai and Burmese officials and officers allow their trafficking and smuggling takes place through organizations criminals and unscrupulous middlemen.
In reality ', from 1988 different regulatory systems temporary migrants ensured that more than 2 million workers (of which more than' 80% Burmese) remain "illegal" and (according to some Thai officials) were therefore denied their fundamental human rights. The rights denied to immigrants "registered" includes compensation, rehabilitation and disability 'in the event of an accident at work, the right to marry, to drive a medium to travel outside the province in which they are registered and have properties'.
remarks that Thailand is systematically and unlawfully discriminating against these workers with a work permit, have always been refused.
Victim of this immigration mess are the hundreds of thousands of immigrants who have always lived "temporarily" in Thailand for more 'than a century. Since many arrive in Thailand at an early age 'rather young, it is quite natural that they find their partner, children, and they do marry. The official answer is 'was their demonization public because of the harm' that lead to the social fabric of immigrant pregnant Thai to the weight exerted on the resources by the immigrant children.
Although frequent threats starting to deport pregnant women have never been implemented, many children of immigrants are illiterate and are not registered and therefore regulated on remains absent.
The authorities 'insist that the flow of illegal immigrants and' a serious threat to national security which raises the question: what is meant by "national security"? Means to ensure the continuation of corruption that pervades the way in which this work force is handled informally or ability 'to ensure a workforce of over 2 million people who contribute to economic growth in the country where it is needed but continue to live in huge situations exploitation? If you and 'so', then the security in Thailand remains strong.
If "national security" also incorporates a basic level of human security for immigrants and requires a formalization of the management system of immigration that would benefit the Thai economy, population IMMULITE equally to companies and immigrants, Thailand and then the 'truly at risk.
The tension between immigrants and Thai villages seems to be growing since 'Thais understand just who are these immigrants' cause I'm here' and because 'their community', in In their view, and 'now dominated by immigrants. This' and 'became clear when residents of Ranong (the border town with Burma) recently claimed that the Burmese immigrants who exceeded the verification process of the nationalities' not being granted the right to drive a motorcycle.
Many use their media power in a manner so 'irresponsible and deeply affecting publicly demonizing immigrants in support of the official line that wields them like a heavy burden for the country. Stating they are a burden than a benefit for Thailand, does not correspond to reality ': they have no social security and the government has few laws to to improve their quality 'of life with services that immigrants can use registered and are not used instead.
claiming that their salaries are more 'high side' in their country and are already 'lucky that they be allowed to stay in Thailand, although illegal, is not' just a reason to silence criticism and to justify the denial of basic human rights but rather serves to consolidate the power of unskilled immigrants on a low-cost, easily exploitable and submissive. Saying that immigrants steal jobs from Thais is to blame in the wrong place because 'they are the employers to determine the market labor and non-immigrants. The inability 'to modernize the working methods in order to increase productivity' but rather rely on cheap labor of immigrants because 'the country itself can not' produce, conduct 'soon to failure in competititiva 'global. Since 'the next 20 years will not be the same for the global economy, the Thai immigration policy should rather try to adapt. The country will 'soon be no more' able to compete with other ASEAN countries in the range of low-cost production. Consumers are now more global ' concerned about labor practices ethnic and less oriented to the purchase of goods and services deriving from exploitation. Some people try to give credit to the Government for its strategy (planned since 1999 but applied only recently) that sees the formalization of migration "irregular" in the country in 3 stages:
1) verification of the nationality 'of' Thailand and immigrated to issue a temporary passport so 'as to become "legal" through a process of verification of nationality' (VN).
2) planning the necessary number of immigrant workers and following flow regulation business immigration "legal" through formal agreements between the governments of the countries involved
3) registration as a "legal" immigrants "illegals" who are currently in the country allowing them to work temporarily as long as you do not reach the point-like conditions 1 and 2
It seems, however, 'negative forces that inculcated in society' Thai have been the reason for the 20 years of immigration policy continues to be informal and too present for 'such a strategy is introduced.
since 2002 when they were laid down by the arrival of the first channels of immigration work, only about 25,000 workers have been taken legally in Thailand (an average of 3,000 people per year). The process of VN is still not clear as well as a casino custituire expensive.
About 1 million of the estimated more than 2 million migrants in Thailand have formally entered the process of registration expiring February 28, 2010 and has seen the threat to deport those who do not register.
This type of constraint particularly on minority ethnic Burmese working in Thailand, and 'was condemned by the UN.
With respect to the February 28, 2012 about 1 million workers who will complete the process of VN (assuming that the verification of biological information sent to the homes of immigrants are genuine), the government would soon realize that a good number of immigrants (especially the Burmese ethnic minorities) have given false information in order to get the extensions to work permits for another 2 years. What 'happens to fear and confusion as the Minister of Labour has not explained well to the immigrants and their employers in what constituted the process of VN and what purpose has first to establish unrealistic deadlines.
Clearly symbolic is the treatment of migrants in Thailand with the presence of mediators. Be that as part of the process that the new VN-flow management system immigration and the complexities 'of both procedures is' is that we need a mediator.
If Thailand had truly genuine intention to solve the immigration problem, the cost of these mediators would be cut off or reduced in favor of incentives to be given to immigrants and their employers to adapt to process. Instead, the presence of the mediator is not 'set in practice despite some informal guidelines announced by the Ministry of Labour and the costs remain "by extortion" for both immigrants and the employer. Rumors abound about who's' behind these mediators and the enormous profits go wrong at the expense of immigrants.
The June 2, 2010, the Prime Minister and Abhisit Vejiajiva 'intervened in the debate on immigration by signing an order of formation of a "special center suppression, arrest and prosecution of foreign workers working illegally." The subsequent repression and 'an essential part of the government to manage immigration formally arresting and deporting immigrants who refuse to enter into the process of VN.
The result 'was a good documented policy of arrest and extortion "by the police and its officers involving both immigrants registered or unregistered. The international press has begun to expose the lack of formal practices of deportation who have seen Burmese immigrants fall victim to the vicious cycle of extortion and trafficking where mediators, officers and ethnic militias in Mae Sot / Myawaddy and Ranong / Kaw Thaung were all involved.
include an announcement of the Deputy Prime Minister is to increase monitoring of illegal immigrants, and despite the government instista to say that there will 'never again' another chance 'of Burmese illegal to address the matter without leaving the country, and 'have just announced a plan for regularization of illegal immigrants due to lack of cheap labor. It will 'to see if the government will start' to launch a serious program of immigration management.
Among immigrants continues to be systematic discrimination with prejudices that increase social tension. Bribery, threats and exploitation, if not braked, the mediator makes more and more 'strong. Immigrants continue to suffer from the exploitation of their employers, a systematic corruption of government officials (police first, and others who must protect them) that there is now the cost to address the matter which, once finalized, it seems difficult that will be able to 'bring them benefits because' this and 'was the experience of thousands of immigrants Burmese in Khon Kaen, which, after completing the VN have not received any benefit and have determined that too much, 'too.
Several high-ranking officials have declared that it 's time to fix this mess in more' rational, whereas human rights along with other needs such as national security and economic need. The committee has been working on a draft law on labor migrants and Abhisit continues to say that this year's census will reveal 'the number of immigrants in Thailand so' as to formulate immigration policies in the future even if it ' clear that the team has trouble surveyor ' to seek out immigrants since 'their masters keep them well hidden.
has been over 20 years of illegal immigration and not 'to anything nice to think how many immigrants have experienced the same fate of Awa (discriminated even in death). Immigrants remain silent and disorganized in the face of all this exploitation with only a handful of positive examples of their rights while there are hundreds of NGOs that assist them. As long as 'the Thai government fails to quickly enact rules to improve their conditions, will reign' always exploitation.
Maybe 'now that we are discussing morality' on immigration since ' Most Burmese migrants are oppressed in their land and even if you can 'agree that the root causes of migratory and' responsibility 'whole of Thailand, but this country' draw huge benefits from the mass of unarmed Burmese workers easily exploited and therefore, we must accept the heavy burden of taking on certain responsibilities'.
If Thailand continues to be negligent towards immigrants, thinking only to their use without showing any duty to treat them well, perhaps you can 'be concluded that many governments have failed to create and sustain a community area with no laws that we can see where today's immigrants do not enjoy based security mechanisms, not covered by the laws and they are denied even the most 'basic human rights.
Thai policies have contributed to long immoral exploitation of these workers "temporary". Maybe it 's time for Thailand to get some' condemning human rights abuses against the Burmese, which is normally reserved only to neighboring dictators.
Source: Andy Hall - consultant to Human Rights Development Foundation