E 'newly available in bookstores throughout Italy on the last volume of the series "Tolka and its" Editor's Marietti 1820, "Tolkien: Man and Myth" by Joseph Pearce .
The following is the details of the book.
Price: 24.00 Euro
Pages: 256
ISBN: 9788821191640
Long ago Joseph Pearce has played in the National Front, a movement that opposes the policy multi-cultural and multi-ethnic British government: for this activity has been jailed twice. Subsequently, by reading the works of GK Chesterton, it is converted to Catholicism and now repudiates his views radically youth. Author of numerous articles, books and television programs, is among the most noted scholars of Tolkien and CS Lewis. Among his works: Wisdom and Innocence - A Life of GK Chesterton (1996), Literary Converts: Spiritual Inspiration in an Age of unbelief (1999), Small Is Still Beautiful (2001) and CS Lewis and the Catholic Church (2003).
Tolkien: Man and Myth is widely considered one of the best studies on JRR Tolkien, because it analyzes with rigor and precision in both the biography and works, and compares them with the myth that has gone around the world by creating the Lord of the Rings . Particularly valuable are the pages devoted to friendship (also problematic) who tied Tolkien to CS Lewis, author of the Chronicles of Narnia .
The Italian translation is enhanced by a novel written by Don Divo Barsotti (one of the greatest mystics of our century) dedicated to the Lord of the Rings commented by Paolo Gulisano.
CONTENTS Acknowledgments Preface
1. A man misunderstood : Tolkien and the Modern World
2. Convert from cradle to grave: the boy behind the myth
3. From Father Francis in Santa Claus, the father behind the myth
4. The true myth: Tolkien and the conversion of CS Lewis
5. A ring of friends: Tolkien, Lewis and the Inklings
6. The creation of Middle-earth: the myth behind the man
7. Orthodoxy in Middle-earth: The Truth behind the myth
8. The Pit and the shallow waters: Tolkien and the critics
9. Tolkien Hobbit: English behind the myth
10. At the foot of Mount Doom: the last years of Tolkien
Epilogue: a shadow over the sun still runs
Appendix. Divo Barsotti, The Lord of the Rings, the true story of a ver Paolo Gulisano